Dennis R. Blanchard

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Alan Roddy, President, Appalachian Trail Club of Florida:

Dennis tells us a quirky but endearing and ultimately inspiring tale, about not only the daily challenges that the Appalachian Trail throws down for hikers, but also the unexpected challenges of a life-threatening heart condition, and how he overcame both with the same persistence and positive outlook.  Along the way we find out just what to do when a bear visits us in the shower.  “

Grace Tyner, Mountain Marching Moma’s:

End-to-end Appalachian Trail hiker  and radio amateur, K1YPP, Dennis Blanchard, a real ham, never had to use that SOS signal in spite of daunting medical problems.  But he did contact many radio operators using his homemade radio fragrantly stored in a mint tin.    No cell phones for this electronics engineer who was often mistaken for Santa Claus minus the little round belly – he was always hungry!   
This was no “walk in the woods.”   
Dennis tells of his many encounters with wild life on his 2,175 mile hike – even with exciting “bare” facts. 

What a page turner, especially if you are a hiker, but entertaining and educational for all.  Just makes you want to put on those boots to experience again the hike of a lifetime.

Mt. Rogers

Photo Description:
The Mount Rogers wilderness area in southern Virginia. The region was absolutely beautiful. The Appalachian Trail wanders off into the distance.

Other published works.

Links to other other works.
QST Magazine
(Must be member of ARRL to download)
Jun, 1965: Incentive Reactions
Feb 1984: Seventy-Three OM
Jul, 1988: QRP Motorcycle DXpedition
Jul, 1995:Tuning your 6-Meter J-Pole
Jul, 1995: Build a Weatherproof PVC 6 Meter J-Pole Antenna
Jan, 1997: Mathcad 6.0 versus Excel V 5.0 and Complex Numbers
Mar, 2010: An Appalachian Journey (not available for download yet)

A.T. Journeys  Magazine
May-Jun, 2009: Hiking with Ham

WorldRadio  Magazine
Feb, 2008: How Field Day Broke My Heart

Radio Fun Magazine
Feb, 1995: A closer look at the Twin-Lead Marconi Antenna

American Motorcyclist  Magazine
Jun, 2000: Drawing on Memories

Road Rider Magazine
Winter, 1990: Inuvik, "The Place of Man"

Communications Technology Magazine
Jul, 1996: Cable Modems: Preparing for high-performance surfing

Heath Electronics Magazine
Jul, 1990: Don't Leave Home Without It